Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wanna Be A God?

| Wednesday, December 14, 2011 | 0 comments

STUDY ISLAM - For anyone who lust for power, arrogant with his wealth, and love high and mighty. Why not try to be a God? If your arbitrary actions, your arrogance, and your lust could abuse, harass, or even hated by others. Then became the god is a solution for you. If you are a God, all people will worship you, and certainly no one would object to your arrogance, and of course a huge powers is in your hands.

You think I'm kidding? NO, I guarantee. If you qualify, then no Muslims would refuse you become their God. If you follow this test and succeed, then I guarantee you that every Muslims will bow down and worship you. Approximately there is more than 500 million Muslims around the world, and all of them will take a bow and worship you, isn't that great? This is an open chances to anyone, so don't miss it.

What are the requirements? easy, you just need to meet four (4) requirements to become a God. Yes, only four!, quattro, vier, empat, quatre. Less than the requirements to be a governor or president.

All that requirements is contained in Al-Qur'an, precisely in Surah Al-Ikhlas verses 1-4. For you record, that every Muslim must believe, follow, and obey the teachings of Al-Qur'an. That's why I can guarantee, if you make it through this test, then you will be adored and worshiped.

I don't wanna keep you any longer, so here's the test:


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Jermaine Jackson Convert To Islam

| Tuesday, December 13, 2011 | 0 comments

STUDY ISLAM - Jermaine Jackson is a brother of world-famous "King Of Pop", Michael Jackson. Jermaine Jackson in the news about his convert to Islam has long been heard. A lot of speculation about his conversion, there are some media who consider it as a hoax. I'll let you judge for yourself from this interview.

When and How did you start your journey towards Islam?

It was way back in 1989 when I, along with my sister, conducted a tour to some of the countries of Middle East. During our stay in Bahrain, we were accorded warm welcome. There I happened to meet some children and had a light chitchat with them. I put certain questions to them and they flung at me their innocent queries. During the course of this interaction, they inquired about my religion. I told them, “I am a Christian.” I asked them, as to what was their religion. A wave of serenity took over them. They replied in one voice : Islam. Their enthusiastic answer really shook me from within. Then they started telling me about Islam. They were giving me information, much in piece with their age. The pitch of their voice would reveal that they were highly proud of Islam. This is how I paced toward Islam.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Good Lesson From Bees

| Sunday, December 11, 2011 | 0 comments

STUDY ISLAM - Everything that God created nothing in vain. Among other of God's creation that special is the bees. If we observe that the honey bee referred more specifically than the other animals in the Qur'an. Many of the animals mentioned in the Qur'an, but only the bees and their role being discussed specifically.

All that exist in this universe can be a lesson and be advice for us all. Including the existence of bees, we can learn from them and then we apply in this life. In order to bring a better life, and also become better human.

There are at least four important lessons can be learned from the bees, which is:


Friday, December 9, 2011

Women Rights In Islam - Conclusion

| Friday, December 9, 2011 | 0 comments

STUDY ISLAM - Consider a scenario where the Islamic law is implemented in America. Whenever a man looks at a woman and any brazen or unashamed thought comes to his mind, he lowers his gaze. Every woman wears the Islamic dress as mentioned in Quran. After this if any man commits rape he is given capital punishment. I ask you, in such a scenario, will the rate of rape in America increase, will it remain the same, or will it decrease?

If Islamic law is implemented in any part of the world, WOMEN WILL BREATHE EASIER.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Political Rights of Women

| Wednesday, December 7, 2011 | 0 comments

STUDY ISLAM - According to Surah At-Tawbah, Ch.9, Verse No.71,
"The men and the women they are friends (supporters) of each other". [QS. At-Tawbah 9:71]
Supporters not only Socially, even Politically. Politically, men and women should support each other.

Women can even take part in law making.
And according to the famous Hadith in which Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), he was discussing with the Sahabas, and considering putting an upper limit on the ‘Meher’, since young men were discouraged from getting married - a lady from the back seat she objected and said When the Qur’an says in Surah Nisa Ch.4, Verse No.20 that… ‘you can even give a heap of treasure, a heap of gold in ‘Meher’, when Qur’an puts no limit on ‘Meher’, who is Umar to put a limit (may Allah be pleased with him). And immediately Hazrat Umar (peace be upon him) said ‘Umar is wrong and the lady is right’.


Education & Legal Rights Of Women In Islam


STUDY ISLAM - Islam strongly recommends to the Muslims - male or female - to acquire knowledge, it's proved through the first revelation, in Surah Al-Alaq, which says:
"Read, recite or proclaim in the name of your Lord, Who has created the human beings from a congealed clot of blood (a leech like substance). Read, your Lord is most bountiful. Who has taught the use of the pen. Who has taught the human beings that which he knew-not" [QS. Al-Alaq 96:1-5]
The first guidance given in the Qur’an to the humankind was not to pray, was not to fast, was not to give charity. It was READ, and it means learn, study, and acquire knowledge. Islam pays utmost importance to education. 'Science without faith (religion) is lame. and faith without science is blind'.

Education is Compulsory in Islam
According to Quran:
"God will exalt those of you who believe and those who are given knowledge to high degrees." [QS. Al-Mujadilah 58:11]
"And say, O my Lord! increase me in knowledge". [QS. Thaha 20:114]
"And whoever is is given knowledge is given indeed abundant wealth". [QS. Al-Baqarah 2:269]
According to a saying of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh):
“It is obligatory for every Muslim, male or female, to acquire knowledge (Al-Bayhaqi).
Imagine, 1400 years ago, when the women were ill treated and were only used as property, Islam asked the women to be educated.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Social Rights Of Women In Islam

| Tuesday, December 6, 2011 | 0 comments

STUDY ISLAM - Social rights of women in Islam can be categorized into four sub-headings. Social rights given to a daughter, to a wife, to a mother and to a sister.

Social Rights to a Daughter
Islam prohibits, female infanticide. The killing of female children is forbidden in Islam.
It is  mentioned in Surah Taqveem, 
"when the female child is buried alive and when she questions you, for what crime was she killed". [QS. At-Taqveem 81:8-9]
Not only female infanticide has been prohibited, all sorts of infanticides has been prohibited in Islam, whether it be a male child or a female child. It is mentioned in several places in Qur’an,
"Kill not your children for want of sustenance for it is God that will provide sustenance for you and for children." [QS. Al-An'am 6:151]
"Kill not your children for want of sustenance, for it is God that will provide sustenance to you and your children, for killing of children is a major sin." [QS. Al-Isra 17:31]
In the pre-Islamic Arabia, whenever a female child was born mostly she was buried alive. Alhamdulillah, after the spread of Islam this evil practice has been discontinued.


Economical Rights Of Women In Islam


STUDY ISLAM - Islam gave economical rights to the women 1,300 years before the West. An adult Muslim woman can own, she can dispose or disown any of her property without consulting any one, irrespective whether she is married or she is single. In 1870, it was the first time in England, that the West recognized the rights of the married woman, where she was allowed to own or dispose any of her property without consultation. 

Women on Job
A women in Islam, if she wishes to work she can work. There is no text in the Qur’an or the authentic Hadith which prevents or makes it prohibited for a woman to do any work, as long as it is not unlawful, as long as it is within the preview of the Islamic Shariah, as long as she maintains her Islamic dress code.


Monday, December 5, 2011

Spiritual Rights Of Women In Islam

| Monday, December 5, 2011 | 0 comments

STUDY ISLAM - Another misconception is that, which the Western media has, that, ‘The woman has no soul’. In fact, it was in the seventeenth century, when the Council of wise men, when they gathered at Rome, and they unanimously agreed that the woman had no soul.

In Islam, man and woman have the same spiritual nature. It is mentioned in Qur'an, 
"O mankind! reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, His mate, and from them twain scattered (Like seeds) countless men and women;- reverence Allah, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the wombs (That bore you): for Allah ever watches over you." [QS. An-Nisaa 4:1]


Women Rights In Islam


STUDY ISLAM - Women's rights are part of human rights. enforcement of women's rights are part of the enforcement of human rights. In accordance with international commitments in the UN Declaration of 1993, the protection, fulfillment and respect for women's rights is the responsibility of all parties, both State institutions (executive, legislative, judicial) as well as political parties and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Even individual citizens have a responsibility to protect and fulfill women's human rights.

From various studies about women, it seems that women have long suffered discrimination and violence in all areas of life. Various forms of discrimination and violence against women has worsened the living conditions of women and impede the advancement of women. Various attempts have been long fought to protect women's rights and freedoms for women, but until recently the results have not been significant.

In relation to Islam, many people misunderstand that Islam does not pay attention and protect women's rights. wear the hijab, or the division of inheritance is not equal to men, is one of the reasons for this misunderstanding, even assume that women's rights in Islam is already outdated. So, how is the real rights of women in Islam?


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