STUDY ISLAM - As a Muslim we should know our religion very well. Due to Islam one can achieve the ultimate happiness. An happiness will not be obsolete by the time and will never be lost wherever we are. An happiness is very expensive which can not be measured by any of the material world. Because the ultimate happiness is lies in the heart. Therefore it is proper for us to study Islam.
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave us an understanding of Islam, when the angel Jibril or Gabriel asked him:
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave us an understanding of Islam, when the angel Jibril or Gabriel asked him:
"O Muhammad! Tell me about Islam?" Then he replied, "Islam is You testifying that no God has the right to be worshiped but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, then you establish prayer, and then you practice regular charity, then you fasting in month of Ramadhan, then you Hajj, if you can afford." Then, when he again asked by the angel Gabriel, "O Muhammad! Tell me about the Faith?" Then he answered, "You believe in Allah, believe His Angels, believe His Books, believe His Messengers, believe the final day and you believe in God's destiny, good and bad."In that Hadith, we can take the conclusion that Islam is a religion that matters physical (external), while faith is matters related to the hearts (internal). So if we combined the terms of Faith and Islam, then this shows the essence of Islam that is working on islamic (external) practices, which is based on the faith (internal). If there are people who do practice in Islam, but such actions are not based on faith, then this is called a hypocrite. Meanwhile, if there are people who claim to believe (have faith) but he is not the commandment of Allah and His Messenger then this is the people who are disobedient.
(Narrated by Muslim)
Based on the hadith is now we know that Islam is built upon five pillars:
- Shahadah or Testify that no god has the right to be worshiped but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah - The first thing a person says that brings them in the fold of Islam. When you say these words, while meaning and understanding them, you become a Muslim. A Muslim is a person that "Submits to God's will".
- Perform prayer or shalat (5 daily prayer) - A Muslim must perform 5 daily prayers at their prescribed times (On time). While in pray the worshiper is in direct link with his Lord (Allah). The performance of the prayer is mention in the Qur'an, but the details of how it is to be performed was given to us by the prophet Muhammad
- Practice regular charity or Zakat (Paying of the Alms tax) - The Arabic meaning of the word Zakat is "purification" or "growth". Paying zakat to the needy serves the purpose of purifying our wealth and helping the poor. It has been set at 2.5% of the money set aside in a full year. Every Adult, free, and mentally sane and financially able Muslim, male or female, is obliged to pay his zakat every year.
- Fasting in month of Ramadhan - Muslims have been advised that when the month of Ramadan arrives, they are to fast from sun up the sun down. Fasting means abstaining from food and water and from sexual intercourse during the prescribed hours mentioned. The reward for fasting is great and is only truly known by Allah. So we should not miss out that at all.
- Hajj if you can afford (Pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia) - It has also been prescribed by Allah, that we perform hajj at least once in our life time. On hajj, we are guests of Allah. A set number of rituals must be performed exactly in order for our pilgrimage to be accepted. If accepted, hajj completely washes you of all your sins and leaves you as sinless as a new-born baby.
Thus a brief description of the five pillars of Islam, make sure to implement them in your daily lives.
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