Monday, November 21, 2011

Study Basic Rules in Islam

| Monday, November 21, 2011 | 0 comments

STUDY ISLAM - Many people outside Islam (Non-Muslim) misunderstanding of the rules in Islam. They thought that the rule in Islam is very strict, and restrict the freedom of human rights. Because they think there's a lot of acts classified as a sin in the religion of Islam, when compared with other religious teachings (such as eating pork, drinking alcohol, etc.).

In this article, I will explain the rules in the most fundamental of Islam. I hope we'll both know that all the rules in Islam is logical and reasonable. I also hope we will both know how noble of Allah SWT, and how beautiful teachings of Islam. And finally we will feel lucky that we are a Muslim.

Basically, religion is about the rule, the religious person is one who uses the rules in their life. Unlike the law in general legislation, which only contains commands and prohibitions. Rules in the religion of Islam, besides containing the commands and prohibitions, also contains advisable, permissible and disliked.

In more familiar language, This is the classifications of an action according to Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh):

  1. Command is an act which if done will get thawab (reward), and obtain ithim (sin) if abandoned. Commonly known as a Fardh or Wajib. e.g. salat (prayer), fasting in Ramadan, etc.
  2. Advisable or Exhortation is the recommended action to be done, so it gets the thawab if done, but did not obtain sin if the act was abandoned. These actions is the ways, teachings and activities of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). These acts also known as Sunnah. e.g. fasting outside Ramadan month, alms, etc.
  3. permissible is an act that could be done and also be abandoned. These actions does not count as a good or bad deed. Better known as Mubah. e.g. eating fruits like orange or mango.
  4. Disliked is an act that is better left behind. These actions will not get you ithim, but avoiding them will gain you thawab. The act is known as Makrooh. e.g. growing long finger nails.
  5. Prohibition is an act which if done will get ithim, and get a thawab if abandoned. This is known as Haram. e.g. drinking alcohol, fornication, etc.

Thawab (reward) and ithim (sin) is something abstract, something that is not visible to the human eye, and it is difficult to be accepted by the logic. Especially in the age of materialism, as now, many people ignore things that are not visible to their eyes. Although the thawab and ithim cannot be seen by the eye, but can be sensed in life. Thawab will bring happiness and peace of mind, while ithim will cause anxiety and even fear in the hearts of human. In other words, Thawab (reward) and ithim (sin) give effect in human life.

If we look at the criteria in the rule of islam over, there were interesting things there. It turns out that in islam there are four ways to gain thawab, reward, kindness and happiness. While there were only two things that are causing the ithim, sins and vices. Isn't islam so beautiful? Does this fact prove that the Islamic teachings is very strict and restrict the freedom of human rights?

Allah promised that one good deed will be rewarded with a ten thawab, these ten thawab are still multiplied by seven thawab, then even still multiplied by 100 thawab more. Not only there, Allah also promises a lot more thawab to those who He desires, as found in His Word.
"He that doeth good shall have ten times As much to His credit: He that doeth evil shall only be recompensed according to His Evil: no wrong shall be done unto (any of) them." [QS. Al-An'am 6:160]
"..Allâh gives manifold increase to whom He pleases.." [QS. Al-Baqarah 2:261]
That's the beauty of Islam.

While in terms of sin, Allah just recompense for sin is one ithim, it means one sin simply replied with a single ithim. Furthermore, Niyyah or the intention of doing a kindness will be rewarded as a thawab, even if his actions are cut short due to no fault of his/her own. While niyyah of committing crimes will not be rewarded as ithim, until it was actually done. This is an excellent example to be applied in human life as social beings.

Ironically, humans do things contrary to the example given by God. Generally people reply to a crime with a greater crime, so that there is such a phrase "Vengeance is more cruel ". On the contrary, sometimes people are reluctant to return the kindness of others. This is not an act that is exemplified by Allah Almighty God.

Replying to the good of others in the best possible, and reply to evil deeds of others with properly or even forgive him (if he apologized), are the rules that are taught by Allah The Almighty God in Islam. Thawab is what we need, and ithim must always be avoided. Because life is not finished just in this world, there is a next life, i.e. life after death. There, all our deeds will be accounted for.
"And the weighing on that Day (Day of Resurrection) will be the true (weighing) . so as for those whose scale (of good deeds) will be heavy, they will be the successful (by entering Paradise). And as for those whose scale will be light, they are those who will lose their ownselves (by entering Hell) because they denied and rejected Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.)." [QS. Al-A'raaf 7:8-9]


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